I am in the midst of my Directing Debut, with the independent short film, Curbside Waltz. Produced by Black Coffee Productions, Curbside Waltz tells the story of two kids whose imperfect upbringings have brought them together on a street curb in Brooklyn. The short film, produced by Black Coffee Productions and Frostwick Flix, was filmed in September and is currently in post-production.The creative team strongly believes the themes and subject matter of Curbside Waltz are important for a wide audience, including children. We are fundraising to spread Curbside Waltz and enter the film into a variety of film festivals. If you would like to contribute or learn more information, check out the campaign at Indie Gogo , and watch the Teasers below:
Formerly Badass Horrible Poetry
This isn't just a poetry blog. Let's be honest, a lot of what I post is poetry but there are more often than not also postings about short stories. I do try to keep this blog separate from my others and post strictly creative work here. Some of it will be better than others, and much of it is in first or second draft stage when posted. These are raw works, and there will be spelling and grammar troubles at times because I use this blog to gauge what works and what doesn't. I use it as a place to get feedback. That's the reason it is "horrible". Because it's not finished-- And why should it be? We all want feedback but most of us are too afraid to put ourselves out there.
Welcome to my word.
Welcome to my word.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
September 2016 Projects update:
Quick update! Been doing a lot more with my film recently than writing.
I am in the midst of my Directing Debut, with the independent short film, Curbside Waltz. Produced by Black Coffee Productions, Curbside Waltz tells the story of two kids whose imperfect upbringings have brought them together on a street curb in Brooklyn. The short film, produced by Black Coffee Productions and Frostwick Flix, was filmed in September and is currently in post-production.The creative team strongly believes the themes and subject matter of Curbside Waltz are important for a wide audience, including children. We are fundraising to spread Curbside Waltz and enter the film into a variety of film festivals. If you would like to contribute or learn more information, check out the campaign at Indie Gogo , and watch the Teasers below:
I am in the midst of my Directing Debut, with the independent short film, Curbside Waltz. Produced by Black Coffee Productions, Curbside Waltz tells the story of two kids whose imperfect upbringings have brought them together on a street curb in Brooklyn. The short film, produced by Black Coffee Productions and Frostwick Flix, was filmed in September and is currently in post-production.The creative team strongly believes the themes and subject matter of Curbside Waltz are important for a wide audience, including children. We are fundraising to spread Curbside Waltz and enter the film into a variety of film festivals. If you would like to contribute or learn more information, check out the campaign at Indie Gogo , and watch the Teasers below:
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Web Comic coming (with an update schedule hopefully soon)
So I am starting a webcomic about a story I wrote and never posted to this site. I have the first few pages done. I would post them up here, but I feel like that would get complicated in updates, so I will make a new blog specifically for that and post when I've updated on here. Thats the easiest way I can think to do it. Here's the chapter 1 promo pic, and I hope you enjoy.
Also, if you have a tumblr, I've posted the this pic as well as the pre chapter page, and first actual page on my Scavenger blog at SCAVENGER comic
Also, if you have a tumblr, I've posted the this pic as well as the pre chapter page, and first actual page on my Scavenger blog at SCAVENGER comic
Friday, April 22, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
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