Formerly Badass Horrible Poetry

This isn't just a poetry blog. Let's be honest, a lot of what I post is poetry but there are more often than not also postings about short stories. I do try to keep this blog separate from my others and post strictly creative work here. Some of it will be better than others, and much of it is in first or second draft stage when posted. These are raw works, and there will be spelling and grammar troubles at times because I use this blog to gauge what works and what doesn't. I use it as a place to get feedback. That's the reason it is "horrible". Because it's not finished-- And why should it be? We all want feedback but most of us are too afraid to put ourselves out there.

Welcome to my word.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fortune - (found poem from fortune cookies)


Someone is interested
in you
keep your eye. Open
the quickest way
to lose
a friend is: to lend
him money.
Be cautious:
you do not have
to worry about
your future.
You have a strong
awareness of
Take notice of this:
When fire and water
go to war
water always wins.
You have a strong ethical sense:
Love thy neighbor
just don't get caught.

© 2014 Lex Vex

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